We appreciate your monetary gifts to Quincy Point Congregational Church, United Church of Christ. By clicking one of the donate buttons, you are helping us continue our mission and ministry to our Quincy community and beyond. (Please keep in mind that donations are processed via Paypal and processing fees do apply.)
Donations may also be mailed to Quincy Point. Please make your check payable to Quincy Point Congregational Church, UCC and mail it to 444 Washington Street, Quincy, MA 02169. And of course, donations may also be made in person during our worship services. You can also designate what mission or ministry you'd like to support! If you would like your donation to go to our All Access fund, or Church Scholarship fund, or Piano fund, or any special mission project, please jot down the name of the fund on the Memo line. Thank you again for you support!
We do ask that if you are sending in your weekly, monthly or annual pledge to mail it or send it via your bank’s electronic bill pay, in order to avoid Paypal processing fees. Thank you.