How Church Life is run at QPCC
Church Council
The church is run by a board and according to the by-laws. The day to day activities are administered by the Pastor, Moderator and Treasurer. The main committees that make up the council are:
: Diaconate
: Missions and Social Justice
: Buildings and Grounds
: Music
: Stewardship
: Christian Education
The secondary committees or groups are:
: Altar and Flowers
: Personnel
: Fellowship
: By-Law
: Teller
: Ushers
: Nominating
: Fiber Arts Ministry - Meets on Monday evenings at 6:30 pm in the downstairs Social Hall. Crafts with company, bring a project and enjoy the conversation.
: Health and Nutrition Ministry - There are different initiatives during the year, but the group meets usually once a month on Sundays to make or plan a one-bowl meal.